Welcoming 2021

The Urias Communications’ team hopes this finds everyone healthy and safe. We are pleased to welcome 2021 and look forward to the continued work with all of you – our clients, partners, colleagues, and friends. We’ve had a busy start to the new year!

Earlier in January, I had the honor of being the keynote speaker for a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration with the ATSU multi-state students, faculty and staff. My primary message? If we can’t establish America’s values on Dr. King’s clear understanding that we are interdependent, we’re going to have a very difficult road ahead in this country. Dr. King stated, “We may all come from different places, but we’re all in the same boat now.” And there is no such thing as a hole in your end of the boat.

So as we all look ahead, we must all place the utmost importance on effectively communicating with one another deliberately and with our hearts open to understanding one another. We appreciate our client partners who continue to work with us to create authentic outreach campaigns that truly connect them to all the markets they serve, day in and day out, and provide the opportunity for respectful engagement.

We hope you’ll enjoy some of this newsletter’s highlights of that work.

Lisa & the UC Team